Emeritus Professor
- Ph.D. in Sociology, City University of New York, 1995
- M.A. in English, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 1988
- B.A. (equivalent) in English, Nankai University, Tianjin, 1975
- Sociology of Intellectuals and Professionals
- Sociology of Higher Education
- Sociology of Religion
- Rural Development in China
- Nationalism
- Cross-Strait Relations
- Taiwan Studies
- Macao History and Society
- Responsible Gambling
- Ethnic Studies
- Introduction to Sociology
- Freshman Writing Seminar
- Writing in Sociology
- Rhetoric and Composition
- Intensive Reading in English
- Deviance and Social Control
- Criminology
- Race and Ethnic Relations
- Asians in America
- Research Methods
- Statistics in Social Research
- Social Movements
- Chinese Society
- College Writing
- Practicum
- Sociology of Development
- Seminar in Political Economy
- Sociological Theory
- Senior Integrative Seminar
- Research Projects
- Macao History and Society
- Selected Topics in Sociology and Anthropology
- 2007, What it means to be a Peasant: A Case Study of a Village in Northern China, second prize winning paper, presented at the 17th annual conference of the Chinese Sociological Association in Changsha.
- 2003, Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition of “Outstanding and Invaluable Service to the Community,” signed by Ms. Linda J. Sanchez, a member of the House of Representatives, Congress of the United States.
- 2002 – 2003, Fulbright Scholar Research Award
- 2012-2015, The Dynamics of Professorial Work: A Comparative Study of the Role of Faculty in Different Cultural Contexts (Principal investigator)
- 2011 – 2014, Political Reform in China: A Roadmap (Principal investigator)
- 2011 – 2014, Catholicism and Civil Society in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and Mainland China (Principal investigator)
- 2013, In Search of Best Practices: Responsible Gambling in Macau, Las Vegas, and Melbourne (Principal investigator)
- 2010, Happiness Index of Youths in Gaming and Non-gaming Sectors in Macau (Co-principal investigator)
- 2003 – 2010, Intellectuals and Rural Development in China (Principal investigator)
- 2003 – 2005, Macau History and Society (Principal investigator)
Refereed Journal Papers Published:
- 2018. Zhidong Hao and Yan Liu. “Mutual Accommodation in Church-State Relationship in China? A Case Study of the Sanjiang Church Demolition in Zhejiang.” Review of Religion and Chinese Society. 5, pp. 26-42.
- “Cultural Revolution Thinking in China: Its Development and Manifestation in Pingzhou County from Land Reform on.” Journal of Contemporary China. at http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/kVaGiWRMzhwib8BW8yrd/full
- Zhidong Hao and Zhengyang Guo. “Professors as Intellectuals in China: Political Identities and Roles in a Provincial University.” The China Quarterly at http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0305741016001442, Volume 228, December 2016, pp. 1039-1060.
- Linda Hancock and Zhidong Hao. “Gambling regulatory regimes and the framing of ‘responsible gambling’ by transnational casino corporations: Asia-Pacific regimes in comparative perspective.” Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23276665.2016.1214362.
- “In Search of a Professional Identity: Higher Education in Macau and the Academic Role of Faculty.” Higher Education, 72(1)101-113. DOI 10.1007/s10734-015-9940-4.
- “Commercialization and Corporatization Versus Professorial Roles and Academic Freedom in the United States and Greater China,” Chinese Sociological Review, 47(2)103-127.
- “Social Stratification and Ethnic and Class Politics in Macau before and after the Handover in 1999,” China: An International Journal, 13(1)66-92.
- Zhidong Hao, Linda Hancock, and William N. Thompson. “In Search of Best practices in Responsible Gaming (RG): A Comparative Study of RG among Macau, Las Vegas, and Melbourne Casinos.” Gaming Law Review and Economics, Vol. 18, No. 4, 2014. This is the official legal publication of the International Masters of Gaming Law, co-edited by Joseph M. Kelly, PhD, JD, SUNY College Buffalo, and I. Nelson Rose, JD, Professor of Law at Whittier Law School & Attorney. It is the leading peer-reviewed journal addressing important regulatory and economic issues facing today’s gaming industry, and it provides the latest developments in legislation, regulation, and judicial decisions effecting gaming around the world, including state, federal, and tribal developments in the U.S.
- Zhidong Hao, Shun Hing Chan, Wen-ban Kuo, Yik Fai Tam, and Ming Jing. “Catholicism and Its Civic Engagement: Case Studies of the Catholic Church in Hong Kong, Macau, Taipei, and Shanghai.” Review of Religion and Chinese Society, No. 1, pp. 48-77.
- Hao Zhidong and Liu Xu. “批判型知識份子與鄉村發展”。《晉陽學刊》(Academic Journal of Jinyang), No. 1, 2013.
- “Sovereignty, Ethnicity, and Culture: The Tibetan Issue in an Institutionalist Perspective.” Journal of Contemporary China, 21:73, 131-147. The paper can be accessed at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10670564.2012.627670
- Hao Zhidong, Li Jun, and Liu Xu. “香港區議員選舉和太原市縣(區)人大代表選舉比較研究:兼論港澳政治發展模式對大陸政治發展模式的啓發” (A comparative study on the election of local district senators in Hong Kong and the election of the people’s representatives in local districts in Taiyuan, China). 《當代港澳研究》(Studies on contemporary Hong Kong and Macau), No. 5, pp. 98-111.
- “從企業社會責任的視角看負責任博彩:以澳門爲例” (Responsible gaming from the perspective corporative social responsibility: the case of Macau). 《中國社會科學內部文稿》(Chinese social sciences: restricted version) 第5期. Again published in Journal of Macau Studies 《澳門研究》,No. 1, 2011, pp. 114-130頁。
- “媒體的專業主義和新聞工作者的角色:以2008年海峽兩岸媒體對臺灣立法委員選舉的評論、報導爲例” (Professionalism of the media and the role of journalists: a case study of the newspaper comments across the Strait on the 2008 legislative elections.” 《新聞學研究》(Mass communication research). October, 101:311-46.
- “Understanding Macau’s History and Society: Through the Eyes of Literature and the Arts.” Journal of Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2:78-96.
- “知識分子和農村發展:以山西省平州縣爲例” (Intellectuals and rural development in China: the case study of Pingzhou county, Shanxi province). 《中國鄉村研究》 (Journal of rural China studies), edited by Huang Zongzhi (UCLA), 5:128-56. [A sister journal of Modern China, edited by Philip Huang of UCLA]
- “Obstacles to Integration: What Would It Take to Reconcile People on the Two Sides of the Taiwan Strait?” Issues and Studies (Taiwan). No. 1 (March):47-80.
- “Social Problems in Macau.” China Perspectives (Hong Kong). No. 62 (November-December):44-54. This article was also published in French, “Quelques Problemes Sociaux a Macao” (Social problems in Macao). Perspectives Chinoises, No. 91, Septembre-Octobre, 2005, pp. 46-56.
- “Between War and Peace: Ethical Dilemmas of Intellectuals and Nationalist Movements in Taiwan.” Pacific Affairs 78(2)237-56.
- “Mainland China vs. Taiwan: The Role of Intellectuals in Chinese Nationalism and Their Ethical Dilemmas,” pp. 31-46, Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia, the yearbook of the Polish Academy of Sciences, No. 17.
- 2003. “What Can We Do with Individual and Institutional Racism and Sexism in the Tenure and Promotion Processes in American Colleges and Universities?” Race, Gender, & Class 10(3)126-144.
- “May 4th and June 4th Compared: A Sociological Study of Chinese Social Movements.” Journal of Contemporary China 6(14):79-99.
- “The Changing Politics of Intellectuals in China.” Asian Thought and Society: an International Review 22(66)175-297.
Editor-reviewed Academic Journal Papers:
- “負責任博彩:澳門博彩業中政府和運營商的角色” (Responsible Gambling? The Role of the Government and the Operators in Macau’s Gaming Industry). 《二十一世紀》(Twenty-First Century). Issue 176, December 2019.
- “前言:如何理解文化大革命及其對今人的啟發兼介紹本書各章” (Preface and introduction to the chapters: How to understand the Cultural Revolution and its implications for today’s China). 《思想》(Reflexion)Vol. 32,
- “宗教的社會功能與中國宗教政策改革” (The social functions of religion in China and the reform of religious policies). 《宗教與法制》 (Religion and the rule of law). 2016年夏季刊,總第8期。
- “縣政現狀、問題與改革措施” (The problems and reform of county governance in China). 《領導者》 (Leaders).总第70期,final issue before being suspended.
- William Thompson, Zhidong Hao, and Linda Hancock. “A Tale of Three Cities.” Casino Lawyer, a journal published each spring and autumn by the International Masters of Gaming Law. It is IMGL’s first magazine and it has global outreach. It is read by more than 10,000 print subscribers in North America and beyond, as well as by thousands more who read it online
- “Dependent development? Macao’s gaming industry: its problems and prospects.” 《澳門研究》雜志 (Macau studies), No. 51 (April):64-77.
- “走向民主與和諧:澳門、臺灣與大陸” (Toward democracy and harmony: Macao, Taiwan, and mainland China). 載於《思想》雜志 (Reflexion) (Taiwan). No. 10:311-24.
- “Macau’s Economy: A Re-Evaluation of Its Past, Present and Future.” 《澳門研究》雜志 (Macau studies), No. 37 (December):72-86.
- “Intensive Reading: Its Position and Approaches.” Pp. 69-78 in Selected Papers on Foreign Language Teaching in Higher Education, edited by the Secretariat of The Association for Foreign Language Teaching at Institutions of Higher Education in Hebei Province, June.
Books (monographs, translation, edited, and written/compiled books) Published:
- 2020 (forthcoming). 《生死存亡十二年:平定縣的抗戰、內戰與土改(1937-1949)》(Twelve years of life and death in Pingding county: The anti-Japanese war, civil war, and land reform). Taipei: Think and Executive Culture Communication Company.
- 2020 (forthcoming) (co-edited). Zhidong Hao and Peter Zabielskis. Academic Freedom under Siege: Higher Education in East Asia, the U.S., and Australia.
- Macau History and Society, 2nd edition. Hong Kong University Press and the University of Macau.
- 《十字路口的知識分子:中國知識工作者的政治變遷》(Intellectuals at a crossroads: The changing politics of China’s knowledge workers). Translation of my book of the same title from English to Chinese. Taipei: Think and Executive Culture Communication Company.
- 2017 (編edited). 《遙望星空:中國政治體制改革的困境與出路》(Stargazing: The dilemma of and prospects for China’s political reform). Taipei: Think and Executive Culture Communication Company.
- Zhidong Hao and Li Ming. 《平定縣裡不平定:山西省平定縣文革史》(No peace in a county named “peace”: The Cultural Revolution in Pingding, Shanxi). Taipei: Think and Executive Culture Communication Company.
- Zhidong Hao, Liu Xu, Liu Chen, Guo Zhengyang.《知識份子與農村發展》(Intellectuals and rural development in China). Shanghai: Shanghai Sanlian Press.
- 《兩岸四地政治與社會剖析》(An analysis of political and social developments in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and mainland China). Macau: University of Macau.
- Zhidong Hao and Sheying Chen (eds.). Social Issues in China: Gender, Ethnicity, Labor, and the Environment. New York: Springer.
- 2013 (ed.). 《公民社會:中國大陸與港澳臺》(Civil society: Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan). Singapore: World Scientific and Macau: University of Macau.
- Macau History and Society. Hong Kong University Press and the University of Macau. Total: 294 pages.
- Whither Taiwan and Mainland China: National Identity, the State, and Intellectuals. Hong Kong University Press. Total: 232 pages.
- Hao Zhidong and Hao Zhigang. 《西郊村:一個華北農莊的歷史變遷》(The village of Xijiao: the historical transformation of a village in northern China). Macao: University of Macau. Total: 359 pages.
- 《走向民主與和諧:澳門、臺灣與大陸社會進步的艱難歷程》(Toward democracy and harmony: difficulties in social progress in Macao, Taiwan, and mainland China). 澳門:九鼎傳播有限公司(Macao: Hobbs Media Company, Ltd.). Total: 302 pages.
- 2008 (ed.). 《國家認同與兩岸未來》(National identity and the future cross-Strait relations). This is a collection of revised and edited conference papers from 2004. University of Macau. Peer reviewed. Total: 397 pages.
- Hao Zhidong and Liao Kun-jung (eds.).《兩岸鄉村治理比較》 (A comparative study on rural governance across the Taiwan Strait, a collection of revised and edited conference papers from 2006 and 2007). Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press. Total: 369 pages.
- 2007 [1988, 1995, 2002] (Hao Zhidong and Shen Yihong translated). 《中國人》(The Chinese). 譯自林語堂from My Country and My People. 杭州浙江人民出版社 (Hongzhou, Zhejiang People’s Press) (1988);上海學林出版社 (Shanghai, Xuelin Press)(全譯本,1995);香港三聯出版社(Hong Kong, Sanlian Press)(繁體本,2002);學林出版社 (Shanghai, Xuelin Press)(2007年16開本). Total: 401 pages.
- Intellectuals at a Crossroads: The Changing Politics of China’s Knowledge Workers. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press. Total: 521 pages.
- Zhidong Hao and Delmar Arnold (compiled and written). An Intermediate English Writing Course, a writing textbook used by the Department of Foreign Languages at Hebei Teachers’ University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei.
Book Chapters:
- 2020 (forthcoming). “Macau’s Natural and Social Environments and Their Historical Backgrounds,” in Haruhiko Fujita, Christine Guth, and Wendy Siuyi Wong (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Asian Design. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
- “社會互動與暴力土改:以山西省平州縣為例” (Social interaction and violent land reform: A case study of Pingzhou county, Shanxi province), in Song Yongyi (ed.) “重審毛澤東的土地改革:中共建政初期的政治運動70周年的歷史回顧”(A re-examination of Mao Zedong‘s land reform). Hong Kong: 田園書屋 (Greenfield Bookstore).
- “Higher Education Systems and Institutions, Macau.” In Teixeira P. and Shin J. (eds) Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions. Springer, Dordrecht, at https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-9553-1
- “What It Is Like and What Needs to Be Done: A Status Report on Higher Education in Macau and Its Research.” Pp. 181-94 in Jisun Jung, Hugo Horta, and Akiyoshi Yonezawa (eds.) Higher Education Research as a Field of Study in Asia: History, Development and Future. New York: Springer.
- “序一”(Preface 1),劉晨(著),《理想的下場》(The end of idealism),上海三聯書店。
- Hao Zhidong, Li Jun, Liu Xu, and Guo Zhengyang. “珠三角與港澳的政制融合:以穗港澳民意代表選舉為例”(Political integration of the Pearl River Delta, Hong Kong, and Macau: A case study of grass-roots legislative elections in Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Macau). In Chie-fen Leung and Sonny Lo (eds.) 《珠江三角洲發展與港澳之融合》(Pearl River Delta and its integration with Hong Kong and Macau). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press.
- “The Role of Intellectuals in Contemporary China’s Labor Movement: A Preliminary Exploration.” In Zhidong Hao and Sheying Chen (eds.) Social Issues in China: Gender, Ethnicity, Labor, and the Environment. New York: Springer.
- Sheying Chen and Zhidong Hao. “Introduction: Gender, Ethnicity, Labor, and the Environment as Social Issues and Public Policy Challenges.” In Zhidong Hao and Sheying Chen (eds.) Social Issues in China: Gender, Ethnicity, Labor, and the Environment. New York: Springer.
- “中國知識份子”(Chinese Intellectuals), in Lu Shuming (ed.) 《中國學》(China Studies). 北京:中國人民大學出版社.
- “‘發展’還是‘改革’:澳門政治面臨的重大問題”(Development or reform: a serious issue facing Macau’s politics). 載於楊允中、饒戈平主編《“一國兩制”與澳門特區政府的善治之路》(“One country, two systems” and better government for Macau SAR). Macau: Macau Basic Law Propagation Association, pp. 185-96.
- Hao Zhidong and Wang Xin. “上院和下院:澳門立法會改革的一個設想” (Upper and lower houses: a thought on the reform of the Macau legislature). Pp. 192-204 in Yang Yunzhong and Rao Geping (eds.) 《基本法與澳門特區的第二個十年:紀念澳門基本法頒布17周年學術研討會論文集》(The basic law and the second 10 years of Macau Special Administrative Region: a symposium commemorating the 17th anniversary of Macau Basic Law). Macau: The Association for the Promotion of the Basic Law.
- “社會科學的責任:論當前澳門的社科研究” (The responsibilities of social sciences: on the current social science research in Macau). Pp. 78-100 in Wu Zhiliang and Chen Zhenyu (eds.) 《澳門人文社會科學研究文選》(Selected papers in humanities and social sciences in Macau). Beijing: Social Science Academic Press.
- “一國兩制與澳門民主的深化” (One country, two systems, and the further democratization of Macau). Pp. 433-40 in Wu Zhiliang and Chen Zhenyu (eds.) 《澳門人文社會科學研究文選》(Selected papers in humanities and social sciences in Macau). Beijing: Social Science Academic Press.
- “After the Anti-Secession Law: The Development of the Cross Strait and the Related U.S.-China Relations and Their Future Prospects.” Pp. 197-215 in Yufan Hao, George Wei, and Lowell Dittmer (eds.) Challenges to Chinese Foreign Policy: Diplomacy, Globalization, and the Next World Power (Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky). Peer reviewed.
- 2009, eight co-authored chapters on human resources in Macao in 程惕潔 Cheng TJ ()《澳門人力資源調查》(Investigation of human resources in Macao). Beijing: Social Science Academic Press. These are respectively: 1) Hao Zhidong, Yang Wen-shi, and Zhang Haiyan, “Public Administration in Macao,” pp. 162-74; 2) Hao Zhidong, Liu You-de, and Rui Guoen, “Hotel Businesses in Macao,” pp. 191-97; 3) Hao Zhidong, Chen Yun-xiang, Rui Guoen, and Zhou Yan, “Banks and Other Financial Institutions,” pp. 198-202; 4) Hao Zhidong, Lin Wei-wen, and Rui Guoen, “Real Estate,” pp. 203-09; 5) Hao Zhidong, Yu Haiyang, and Rui Guoen, “Retail and Wholesales,” pp. 210-16; 6) Hao Zhidong, Guo Yu-ting, and Zhang Haiyan, “Social Organizations,” pp. 217-27; 7) Hao Zhidong, Xie Yan-ping, and Zhang Haiyan, “Public Transportation and Infrastructures,” pp. 228-40; and 8) Hao Zhidong, Zheng Qihuai, and Zhang Haiyan, “Contructions,” pp. 241-49.
The above item is counted as 8 chapters. - “社會事業篇綜述”(Summary of the articles on social issues). Pp. 148-52 載于郝雨凡和吳志良主編《澳門藍皮書:澳門經濟社會發展報告(2008-2009)》in Hao Yufan and Wu Zhiliang (eds.) Blue Book on Macau: A Report on the Economic and Social Development in Macao (2008-2009). Beijing: Social Science Academic Press.
- “從政治文化角度看奶粉危機”(Chinese political culture and the crisis of milk formulas). Pp. 23-31載於鄭永年 (Zheng Yongnian) 和潘國駒 (Pan Guoju) 主編(eds.)《中國奶粉事件與治理危機》(China’s milk formula problem and its crisis in management). Singapore: World Scientific.
- “什麽叫“農民”:一個華北農村的個案研究” (What is a peasant: a case study of a village in northern China). Pp. 191-204載於方向新(Fang Xiangxin)主編(ed.)《和諧社會與社會建設:中國社會學會學術年會獲獎論文集(2007長沙)》(A harmonious society and social construction: a collection of papers that won prizes at the 2007 annual conference of the Chinese Sociological Association in Changsha). 北京:社科文獻出版社。
- “導論:國家認同與兩岸未來” (Introduction: national identity and the future of cross-Strait relations.” Pp. xvii-xxviii載于郝志東(主編)《國家認同與兩岸未來》 (in Hao Zhidong ed. National Identity and the future of Cross-Strait Relations). Macau: University of Macau Publication Center. See above.
- “後記:馬英九當選候的國家認同與兩岸未來” (Postscript: national identity and the future of cross-Strait relations after Ma Ying-Jieo’s ascendance to the presidency). Pp. 369-85 載于郝志東(主編)《國家認同與兩岸未來》 (in Hao Zhidong ed. National Identity and the future of Cross-Strait Relations). Macau: University of Macau Publication Center.
- “導論:平權式治理結構:兩岸鄉村的實踐與思考” (Introduction: structures of balanced governance: the theory and practice in rural development across the Taiwan Strait). Pp. 1-16 載于郝志東和廖坤榮(主編)《兩岸鄉村治理比較》(in Hao Zhidong and Liao Kun-jung eds. A Comparative Study of Rural Governance across the Taiwan Strait),北京:社會科文獻出版社(Beijing: Social Science Academic Press).
- “鄉村治理中情、權、法的平衡:論建立平權式治理結構的條件” (On the balance of emotions, law, and power: the conditions for the establishment of a balanced power structure). Pp. 355-65 載于郝志東和廖坤榮(主編)《兩岸鄉村治理比較》(in Hao Zhidong and Liao Kun-jung eds. A Comparative Study of Rural Governance across the Taiwan Strait),北京:社會科文獻出版社(Beijing: Social Science Academic Press).
- “Between War and Peace: The Role of Nationalism in China’s U.S. Policy-Making with Regard to Taiwan.” Pp. 139-68 in Yufan Hao and Lin Su (eds.) China’s Foreign Policy Making: Societal Force and Chinese American Policy. London: Ashgate Publishing.
- “The Changing Dynamics of Intellectual Work,” “Intellectuals in Contemporary China,” “The Political Engagement of Intellectuals, 1949-1978,” and “The Political Engagement of Intellectuals, 1978-Present.” Pp. 279-93 in Jing Luo (ed.) China Today: An Encyclopedia of Life in the People’s Republic of China, Vol. 1. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. U.S.A.
- “在戰爭與和平之間:論臺灣民族主義運動中知識分子的角色與道德困境”(Between war and peace: on the role of intellectuals in Taiwanese nationalism and their ethical dilemmas). Pp. 143-70 載於魯曙明和田憲生(編)《旅美學者看臺灣:二十一世紀臺灣社會考察與分析》 (Taiwan in the eyes of the Chinese American scholars: observations and analysis of Taiwan society in the twenty-first century),臺北:秀威資訊科技。
- 2000. “九十年代的民族主義和中國的知識分子” (Nationalism in the 1990s and China’s intellectuals.” Pp. 148-62 載于林崗和陳衛星(主編)《台海兩岸的發展前景》 (Prospects for cross-Taiwan development), Hong Kong: Yazhou Kexue Chubanshe (Asian science press).