Associate Professor
Jianhua Xu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Macau (UM). His research interests include the sociology of crime and deviance, policing, and Macao studies. He is an author of over 60 publications in English and Chinese. Many of his works have appeared in journals such as The China Quarterly, The British Journal of Criminology, Theoretical Criminology and Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, among others.
Besides his main duty at the Department of Sociology, he is also an adjunct professor at the Center for Macau Studies (UM); a Fellow at The Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS, UM); an Honorary Fellow at the Center for Criminology at the University of Hong Kong. Since 2019, he has served as book review editor for the Asian Journal of Criminology. He served as the head of the Department of Sociology, UM from 2019 to 2023, worked as a police officer in Mainland China from 2004 to 2006, was a Fulbright visiting scholar at the University of Pennsylvania from 2008 to 2009, and was a visiting scholar at the Australian National University in 2017 & 2019, and academic visitor at Center for Criminology, University of Oxford in 2024.
- 2006–2010, Ph.D. in Sociology, Department of Sociology, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 2008–2009, Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Department of Criminology, the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
- 2001–2004, Master in Sociology, Department of Sociology, Sun Yat-sen University, China
- 1997–2001, Bachelor in Sociology, Minor: English, Department of Sociology, Anhui University, China
- Policing
- Sociology of Crime and Deviance
- Macau Studies
- Qualitative Research Methods
- PhD:
1) Qualitative Research Methods in Social Sciences
2) Qualitative Research Methods in Sociology - Master:
1) Qualitative Research Methods in Criminology
2) Policing - Undergraduate:
1) Reading Sociology
2) Social Stratification and Inequality Criminology
3) Policing
4) Chinese Society
5) Social Change and Crime
6) Introduction to Sociology (2021 for College of Macao Public Security 澳門保安部隊高等學校)
2024, Long Service Award for 10 Years of Service, University of Macau
2024, FSS Community Service Award, University of Macau
2023, Outstanding Teaching Award 2020,2021,2022, Center for Continuing Education, University of Macau
2022, 2022 Best Paper Award, Asian Journal of Criminology
2022-present, Research Fellow, The Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS), University of Macau
2022, 2022 Excellence Publication Scheme, The Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS), University of Macau
2021, Special Issue Editor, “Covid-19 and Macau”, in Macau Studies (「澳門研究」)
2020, Incentive Award for Outstanding Academic Staff, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Macau
2020–present, Vice President of Executive Board, The Academic Staff Association, University of Macau
2019–present, Book Review Editor, Asian Journal of Criminology
2019–present, Member of Senate, University of Macau
2011–present, Honorary Fellow, Center for Criminology, the University of Hong Kong
2017–2019, Elected Board Member, Association of Chinese Criminology and Criminal Justice in the U.S.
2019 05-06, Visiting Scholar, School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet), Australian National University
2017 06-08, Visiting Scholar, School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet), Australian National University
2012–2018, External Member, Pearl River Delta Social Research Centre, Chinese University of Hong Kong
2013–2016, Deputy General Sectary, Chinese Society of Sociological Criminology
2011, Li Ka Shing Prize (2009-10) (Best PhD Thesis Award), the University of Hong Kong (Only ONE award for PhD theses finished during 2009-10 from Faculties of Architecture, Arts, Business and Economics, Education, Law and Social Sciences at HKU)
2011, Best PhD Thesis Award, Hong Kong Sociological Association (Only ONE award for all sociology PhD theses in Hong Kong every two years)
2008, Honorable Mention Prize, for Doctoral Level Paper Competition in the Division of International Criminology, American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting
2008, RGC-Fulbright Hong Kong Junior Scholar Award (2008-2009) (One of four recipients in Hong Kong)
- Huiquan Zhang, Jianhua Xu* (corresponding author), Jinjin Liu. 2024. How Do Toothless Tigers Bite? Extra-Institutional Governance and Internet Censorship by Local Governments in China. The China Quarterly. doi:10.1017/S0305741024000602
- Chen Shi, Jianhua Xu*(corresponding author). 2024. Surveillance cameras and resistance: A case study of a middle school in China, British Journal of Criminology, DOI: 10.1093/bjc/azad078
- Xu, Jianhua, Xinyue Wang, Guyu Sun. How Sacrifice Spirit Affects Work-Family Conflict among Rank-And-File Police Officers in China. Policing and Society. 34 (3) 183-199. doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2023.2241967
- Zhou You, Jianhua Xu* (corresponding author), Sinan Wu, Shangyi Zhu. 2023. Health Fraud against the Elderly in China: The Perspective of Vulnerability Manipulation. Victims & Offenders, 18 (7): 1354-1372
- Shuai Wei, Anli Jiang, Qipu Hu, Bin Liang, Jianhua Xu* (corresponding author). 2023. Conducting Criminological Fieldwork in China: A Comprehensive Review and Reflection on Power Relations in the Field. Criminology & Criminal Justice. org/10.1177/17488958231166.
- Xu, Jianhua, Guyu Sun, Sinan Wu, Shangyi Zhu, You Zhou. 2023. Understanding Health Fraud Offenders in China: An Emotional Labour Perspective. Asian Journal of Law and Society. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/als.2023.14
- Tang In Lao, Jianhua Xu* (corresponding author). 2023. How Casinoization Affects the Police in Macao. Asian Journal of Law and Society. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/als.2023.11
- Xu, Jianhua, Siying He. 2022. Can grid governance fix the party-state’s broken windows?: A study of stability maintenance in grassroots China. The China Quarterly. 251: 843-865
- Xu, Jianhua, Guyu Sun, Wei Cao, Wenyuan Fan, Zhihao Pan, Zhaoyu Yao, Han Li. 2021. Stigma, discrimination and hate crimes in Chinese-speaking world amid Covid-19 pandemic. Asian Journal of Criminology. 16: 51–74
- Xu, Jianhua. 2021. Climbing the protest pyramid: a situational analysis of the resistance of rickshaw drivers in Guangzhou, China. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 65(4): 318-345
- Xu, Jianhua, Anli Jiang. 2019. Police civilianization and the production of underclass violence: the case of para-police chengguan and street vendors in Guangzhou, China. The British Journal of Criminology, 59(1):64-84.
- Xu, Jianhua. 2018. Legitimization imperative: the production of crime statistics in Guangzhou, China. The British Journal of Criminology, 58(1):155-76. Hua Zhong, Jianhua Xu, Alex R. Piquero. Internal migration, social exclusion and victimization: an analysis of Chinese rural-to-urban migrants. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 54(4):479-514.
- Xu, Jianhua. 2015. Claims-makers vs. non-issue-makers: Media and social construction of motorcycle ban problems in China. Qualitative Sociology Review, 11(2):122-141.
- Xu, Jianhua. 2014. Authoritarian policing with Chinese characteristics: A case study of motorcycle bans in the Pearl River Delta, Crime, Law and Social Change,61 (4):439-460.
- Xu, Jianhua. 2013. Police accountability and the commodification of policing in China: a study of police/business posters in Guangzhou. The British Journal of Criminology, 53(6):1093-1117.
- Xu, Jianhua, Karen Joe Laidler, Maggy Lee. Doing criminological ethnography in China: opportunities and challenges. Theoretical Criminology, 17(2):271-279.
- Xu, Jianhua. 2012. Drive-away policing and situational crime prevention in China: an analysis of motorcycle ban (jinmo) policy in Guangzhou. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 56(2):239-264.
- Xu, Jianhua. 2009. The robbery of motorcycle taxi drivers in China: a lifestyle/routine activity perspective and beyond. The British Journal of Criminology, 49(4): 491-512.
(The following are in Chinese)
- Anli Jiang, Donghong He, Siying He, Jianhua Xu*(corresponding author), Qipu Hu. 2023. Political Criminology: The Comprehensive Review of British Journal of Criminology 2022 (5), Policing Studies, (蒋安丽/何冬红/何斯颍/徐建华* (通讯作者)/胡启谱. 2023.“政治犯罪学:《英国犯罪学》2022年第5期研究述评”,《警学研究》,第五期,页1-14)
- Chen Shi, Qingyang Hong, Jianhua Xu*(corresponding author), Haiyan Yang, Shan Fu. 2023. The chain of criminology: The Comprehensive Review of British Journal of Criminology 2022 (4), Policing Studies, (史臣/洪清扬/徐建华* (通讯作者)/杨海燕/傅山. 2023. “犯罪学的链条:《英国犯罪学》2022年第4 期研究述评”, 《警学研究》,第五期,页15-23)
- Yan Zhang, You Zhou, Weidi Liu, Jianhua Xu*(corresponding author). 2023. The Comprehensive Review of British Journal of Criminology 2022 (3), Policing Studies, (张彦/周由/刘为地/徐建华* (通讯作者).“犯罪学的‘铁三角’:《英国犯罪学》2022年第3 期研究述”,《警学研究》,第五期,页24-32)
- Qipu Hu, Yan Zhang, Jianhua Xu*(corresponding author). 2023. The Development and Features of Criminology in Macao, Criminological Studies, (胡启谱/张彦/徐建华* (通讯作者).“澳门犯罪学的发展与特色”,《犯罪研究》,第四期)
- Qipu Hu, Anli Jiang, Donghong He, Siying He, Jianhua Xu*(corresponding author). 2022. The reflection of Criminology:The Comprehensive Review of British Journal of Criminology 2022 (2). Policing Studies, (胡启谱/蒋安丽/何冬红/何斯颍/徐建华* (通讯作者).“犯罪学的反思:《英国犯罪学》2022年第2期研究述评”,《警学研究》,第四期,页71-79)
- Haiyan Yang, Chen Shi, Qingyang Hong, Jianhua Xu*(corresponding author). 2022. The Imagination of Criminology: The Comprehensive Review of British Journal of Criminology 2022 (1). Policing Studies, (杨海燕/史臣/洪清扬/徐建华. “犯罪学的想象力:《英国犯罪学》2022 年第 1 期研究述评”, 《警学研究》,第三期,页59-67)
- Ko-lin Chin, Sheldon Zhang, Tiantian Zheng, Sida Liu, Jianhua Xu*(corresponding author). 2022. The arts of fieldwork in criminology and legal studies. Policing Studies. (陈国霖/张晓东/郑田田/贺欣/刘思达/徐建华* (通讯作者). 2022. “犯罪学和法学的田野江湖”,《警学研究》,2022年第4期,页57-70)
- Min Xie, Lening Zhang, Lin Liu, Tianji Cai, Jianhua Xu*(corresponding author). 2022. Insights of quantitative criminology: sharing from distinguished scholars. Policing Studies. (谢敏/张乐宁/柳林/蔡天骥/徐建华* (通讯作者). 2022. “量化犯罪学的热闹与门道:杰出学者分享”,《警学研究》,2022年第4期,页47-56)
- Yu Mou, Yan Zhang, Enshen Li, Shuai Wei, Peng Wang, Bin Wang, Jianhua Xu* (corresponding author). 2022. The writing of first English criminological articles: reflection from a group of young scholars. Policing Studies (牟钰/张彦/李恩深/魏帅/王鹏/梁斌/徐建华* (通讯作者). 2022. “人生的第一篇英文犯罪学论文:一群青年学者的分享与反思”,《警学研究》,2022年第4期,页32-46)
- Xu, Jianhua. 2021. Macau under Covid-19. Macau Studies. (徐建华. 2021. “疫情之下的澳門” 《澳门研究,第3期,页12-15)
- Xu, Jianhua, Tang In Lao, Guyu Sun, Zhaoyu Yao. 2021. How Covid-19 affects crimes in Macao: A routine activity perspective. Macau Studies. (徐建华/刘腾然/孙顾宇/姚昭宇(2021) “从日常活动理论看新冠疫情对澳门犯罪的影响”,《澳门研究》第3期,页16-33)
- Anli Jiang, Qipu Hu, Donghong He, Chen Shi, Jianhua Xu* (corresponding author). 2021. The new frontline of criminological research. Policing Studies, 2021(2): 61-68 (蒋安丽/胡启谱/何冬红/史臣/徐建华* (通讯作者).(2021)“开创犯罪学研究的新天地”,《警学研究》,第2期,61-68
- Xu, Jianhua. 2006. A study of demographic characteristics of offenders and victims in robbery: a case of TZ city in the Pearl River Delta. South China Population, 21(2): 12-20. (CSSCI) (徐建华(2006) )“抢劫犯罪人与被害人的人口特征比较研究–以珠江三角洲TZ市为例”,《南方人口》)
- Xu, Jianhua. 200 The time, space, crime types and gangsters in robbery. Issues on Juvenile Crimes and Delinquency, 06(1): 18-26. (徐建华(2006) “抢劫犯罪的时空分布案件类型与团伙构成”,《青少年犯罪问题》)
- Huang Hui, Xu, Jianhua, Zhang Xiaohong. 2006. Causes of mass incidents in Guangdong province and preventive measures. Journal of Political Science and Law, 23(4): 33-36. (黄辉/徐建华/张晓红(2006)“广东省群体性事件多发的态势与防范对策”,《政法学刊》)
- Xu, Jianhua, Xiaoming Song. 2005. A study of the demographic characteristics of offenders and victims in Pearl River Delta. South China Population, 20(3): 36-43. (CSSCI) (徐建华/宋小明(2005)“珠江三角洲刑事犯罪人、被害人的人口特征分析”,《南方人口》)
- Xu, Jianhua. 2005. Hong Kong and Guangzhou: the comparison of the modes and social actors in urban renewal. Sun Yat-sen University Forum, 25(5): 174-179. (徐建华(2005)“香港和广州旧城改造的模式及行动者比较”, 《中山大学学报论丛》)
- Xu, Jianhua. The strategy and method to the problems of the villages in city of Guangzhou. Urban Problems, Supplement: 196-199 (徐建华(2005), “广州市城中村改造的对策与思路”,《城市问题》)
- Xu, Jianhua. 2022. “Review of Jeffery Martin, Sentiment, Reason and Law”, Asian Journal of Criminology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11417-022-09373-8
- Xu, Jianhua. 2022 “Review of Suzanne Scoggins, Policing China: Street-level Cops in the Shadow of Protest”. China Information, 36 (3): 437-439
- Xu, Jianhua. 2018. “Review of Peng Wang, The Chinese Mafia: Organized Crime, Corruption, and Extra-Legal Protection”, The China Journal, 79:175-77.
- Xu, Jianhua. 2016. “Review of Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo, The Politics of Controlling Organized Crime in Greater China”, The China Journal, 77:193-195
- Xu, Jianhua. 2014. “Review of Jock Young, The Criminological Imagination”. Asian Journal of Criminology, 9(2):161-163.
- Xu, Jianhua. 2012. “Review of Susan Trevaskes, Policing Serious Crime in China: from ‘Strike Hard’ to ‘Kill Fewer’”. Asian Journal of Criminology, 7(3):273-275.
- Xu, Jianhua, Qipu Hu and Anli Jiang. 2020. Authoritarian Capitalism and Policing Studies in China, 391-406, in Handbook of Public Administration in China, edited by Xiaowei Zang & Hon S. Chan, Edward Elgar Publishing
- Xu, Jianhua & Weidi Liu. 2020. Public criminology in China: neither public nor criminology, Pp.152-162, in Routledge Handbook on Public Criminologies, edited by Kathryn Henne and Rita Shah, London and New York: Routledge
- Xu, Jianhua. 2018. Social exclusion and criminal victimization: migrant workers’ risk of driving motorcycle taxis in urban China. Pp.73-95, in Crime and the Chinese Dream, edited by Borge Bakken. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Press.
- Xu, Jianhua. 2016. “Criminologizing everyday life and doing policing ethnography in China”, Pp.154-172, in Engaging with Ethics in International Criminological Research, edited by M. Adorjan & R. Ricciardelli, London and New York: Routledge.
- Xu, Jianhua & Liu, Jianhong. 2015 “Crime and Punishment in China”, 209-216, in The Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment, edited by Wesley G. Jennings. Malden and Oxford: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
- Xu, Jianhua. 2014. “Urbanization and inevitable migration: crime and migrant workers”, Pp.209-223, in Routledge Handbook of Chinese Criminology, edited by Liqun Cao, Ivan Y. Sun, Bill Hebenton. London and New York: Routledge.
- Xu, Jianhua. 2011. “Hong Kong, the state of criminology”, Pp.411-418 in Routledge Handbook of International Criminology: An International Perspective, edited by Sheldon. X. Zhang, Rosemary Barberet, Cindy J. Smith. London and New York: Routledge.
(The following are in Chinese)
- Xu, Jianhua, Tang In Lao, Haiyan Yang. 2023. “Trends and Patterns of Crime in Macao during the COVID-19 pandemic”, in Macao Bluebook (徐建华/刘腾然/杨海燕. “新冠疫情下的澳门犯罪情况分析与变化”, 《澳门蓝皮书2022》)
- Xu, Jianhua. 2005. “The criminal psychology of migrant workers”, Pp.207-219 in Criminal Psychology, edited by Song Xiaoming, etc. Beijing: Chinese People’s Public Security University Press.
- Xu, Jianhua. 2005. “The criminal psychology of the corruption officials”, Pp.219-229 in Criminal Psychology, edited by Song Xiaoming, etc. Beijing: Chinese People’s Public Security University Press.
- Xu, Jianhua. 2003. “Population, resources and environment in Guangzhou”, Pp: 274-286 in Guangzhou Population Across the Century, edited by Chen Jingde. Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press.
- Xu, Jianhua. 2003. “The population in different districts in Guangzhou”, Pp.311-327 in Guangzhou Population Across the Century, edited by Chen Jingde. Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press.
- Peng Chuanbin, Xu, Jianhua. 2002. “Review of population development”, Pp. 1-13 in Regional Population Analysis in China, edited by the Office of National Population Census. Beijing: Chinese Statistics Press.
- Xu, Jianhua. 2021. “The COVID‑19 Pandemic and Its Effect on Crime and Its Control”, UM Magazine: 24 (52-54)
- Xu, Jianhua. 2019. “Macao’s success lies in diverse economy”, China Daily, (December 21, 2019) https://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201912/21/WS5dfd7197a310cf3e3557fb17.html
- Xu, Jianhua. 2019. 徐建华,“澳门回归20年经济社会大发展”《中国日报》网评(2019年12月16日)https://cn.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201912/16/WS5df6efeea31099ab995f1ad5.html
- Xu, Jianhua. 2013. “Motorcycle taxi drivers and social exclusion in urban China”, in China Youth Daily. 徐建华,“搭客仔”背后的城市包容性,《中国青年报》(2013年08月01日,02 版), http://zqb.cyol.com/html/2013-08/01/nw.D110000zgqnb_20130801_5-02.htm
- Xu, Jianhua. 2011. “Motorcycle taxis: ‘crime prevention’ and the social exclusion of migrant workers in China”, Crimetalk, http://www.crimetalk.org.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=558%3Amotorcycle-taxis-and-migrant-workers-in-china&catid=38&Itemid=41
- Xu, Jianhua (PI), 2021-23, “How Covid-19 affects Crimes in Macao: A Routine Activity Perspective” (从日常活动理论看新冠疫情对澳门犯罪的影响), Education Fund of the Macao SAR Government (HSS-UMAC-2021-04), MOP 260,600 (USD32,403)
- Xu, Jianhua (PI), 2020-22, “Street vendors’ adaption to crackdown: a longitudinal ethnography on street vending in Guangzhou” (流动摊贩何以应对生存困境:一项基于广州摊贩的长期跟踪研究), Education Fund of the Macao SAR Government (HSS-UMAC-2020-06), MOP 308,700 (USD38,678)
- Xu, Jianhua (PI), 2019-21, “Commodification of policing and the production of underclass violence: the case of para-police chengguan and street vendors in Guangzhou, China” (MYRG2018-00109-FSS), Multi‐Year Research Grant (MYRG) Level 4, University of Macau, MOP2,100,000 (USD260,481)
- Xu, Jianhua (PI), 2018-20, “Legitimization Imperative: the production of crime statistics in Guangzhou, China” (MYRG2017-00115-FSS), Multi‐Year Research Grant (MYRG) Level 2, University of Macau, MOP756,900 (USD93,885)
- Xu, Jianhua (PI), 2015-18, “Micro-foundation of migrant violence towards police in Guangzhou: A situational social exclusion perspective” (MYRG2015-00039-FSS), Multi‐Year Research Grant (MYRG) Level 3, University of Macau, MOP992,800 (USD123,146)
- Xu, Jianhua (PI), 2015-18, “Commodification of policing and public disorder in China: A study of crime posters in Guangzhou” (MYRG2015-00163-FSS), Multi‐Year Research Grant (MYRG) Level 4, University of Macau, MOP1,371,520 (USD170,122)
- Xu, Jianhua (Co-PI), 2015-16, “A multi-level analysis of victimization among Chinese migrant workers: Testing routine activities, social exclusion, and social disorganization theories” (GRF14414014), Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, HKD364,000 (USD46,375). (PI: Professor Hua Zhong, Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Xu, Jianhua (Co-PI), 2015-20, “Crime prevention and big data mining”, Guangdong Natural Science Fund, RMB 3,000,000 (USD469,940), (PI: Professor Lin Liu, Sun Yat-sen University)
- Xu, Jianhua (Co-PI), 2014-16, “Monitoring recent changes of cross-border drug use and their implications for prevention/control strategies”. Beat Drugs Fund, Narcotics Division of Hong Kong Security Bureau, HKD630,890 (USD80,378) (PI: Professor Hua Zhong, Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Xu, Jianhua (PI), 2013-14. “Policing migrant workers in China: a case study of Guangzhou”, University of Macau, Start-up Research Grant, MOP100,000 (USD12,404)
- Xu, Jianhua (PI), 2012-13. “Social exclusion and production of violence: a case study of illegal taxi-drivers in the Pearl River Delta”, Small Project Funding, the University of Hong Kong, HKD36,616 (USD4,665)
- Xu, Jianhua (PI), 2008-09. “Crime and victimization among migrants in China”, Fulbright Hong Kong Scholar Programme (FHKDRP_HKU001/08), HKD94,770 (USD12,074)
- Xu, Jianhua (PI), 2005-06. “The profile of offenders and victims of serious crimes”, Guangdong Police College Research Foundation