Associate Professor
Programme Coordinator of Bachelor of Social Sciences in Sociology
Li Yi received his BA and MA in Sociology from Nanjing University and Peking University, respectively. He received his PhD in Sociology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Prior to joining the University of Macau, he worked as a postdoctoral associate at Duke University and a tenure-track Assistant Professor (Lecturer) of Demography at the Australian National University. He is interested in how social environments and genes jointly influence human behavior. He is also interested in marriage, population health, and quantitative methods.
His peer-reviewed work appeared in a number of top-tier SSCI journals including Social Science & Medicine, Journal of Marriage and Family, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Justice Quarterly, Social Science Research, Journal of the Scientific Study of Religion, Biodemography and Social Biology, Human Biology, Asian Population Studies, American Journal of Sociology, Social Forces, Demography, Deviant Behavior, and British Journal of Criminology.
- 2015, Ph.D., Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- 2007, M.A., Sociology, Peking University
- 2004, LL.B., Sociology, Nanjing University
- Interaction between Social Environments and Genes
- Health and Marriage
- Social Networks
- Crime
- Causal Inference and Quantitative Methods
- Introduction to Sociology
- Courtship, Marriage and Family
- Social Statistics
- Survey Methods and Sampling
- 2021 Incentive Scheme for Outstanding Academic Staff, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Macau
- 2014 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad (中国教育部国家优秀自费留学生奖学金)
- 2013 Graduate Research Consultant for Howard Hughes Medical Institute Collaborative First Year Seminar at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- 2010 Gregory C. and Paula K. Chow Teaching Fellowship, The Overseas Young Chinese Forum
- 2002 People Scholarship of Nanjing University
- 2021 Co-PI, 中国国家社会科学基金项目,中国多元城镇化路径对生育意愿的影响及对策研究
- 2019 Co-PI, 中国国家社会科学基金青年项目,中国低生育水平下的生育意愿与生育行为差异及对策研究
- 2018 PI, Start-up Research Grant, University of Macau
- 2016 PI, Research School of Social Sciences Infrastructure Grant, Australian National University
Peer-Reviewed SSCI Articles (*corresponding author):
- Yi Li*, Brandon Wagner, and Guang Guo. “Romantic Partnerships and Criminal Offending: Examining the Roles of Premarital Cohabitation, Serial Cohabitation, and Gender.” forthcoming Justice Quarterly
(SSCI Q1, 10/69 in Criminology & Penology, 5-year IF: 4.291)
- Hongyu Wang*, Yi Li, Tianji Cai, and Chunlian Jiang. 2021. “The General Theory of Crime Revisited: Comparing the Relative Effects of Parental Responsiveness and Parental Behavioral Control on Aggressive and Nonaggressive Antisocial Behavior in Adolescence.” Deviant Behavior
(SSCI Q3, 44/69 in Criminology & Penology, 5-year IF: 2.059)
- Shih-ya Kuo*, Kuang-ming Chang, Yu-shu Chen, Yung-lien Lai, Yuan-song Chang, and Yi Li. 2021. “Assessing the Victim–Offender Overlap in Prison Victimization and Misconduct Among Taiwanese Male Inmates.” British Journal of Criminology
(SSCI Q1, 15/69 in Criminology & Penology, 5-year IF:3.593)
- Yi Li* and Guang Guo. 2021. “Period of Marriage and Genetic Similarity in Height between Spouses in the United States over the 20th Century.” Human Biology 92(4) cover article
(SSCI Q2, 45/93 in Anthropology, 5-year IF:1.250)
- Yi Li*, Tianji Cai, Hongyu Wang, and Guang Guo. 2021. “Achieved educational attainment, inherited genetic endowment for education, and obesity.” Biodemography and Social Biology 66(2):132-144
(SSCI Q3, 111/148 in Sociology, 5-year IF:1.814)
- Yi Li* and Guang Guo. 2021. “Peer Influence on Obesity: Evidence from a Natural Experiment of a Gene-Environment Interaction.” Social Science Research 93:102483
(SSCI Q2, 57/148 in Sociology, 5-year IF:3.416)
- Yi Li* and Guang Guo. 2020. “Heterogeneous peer effects on marijuana use: Evidence from a natural experiment.” Social Science & Medicine 252:112907
(SSCI Q1, 4/46 in Social Sciences, Biomedical, 30/182 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, 5-year IF:5.887)
- Yi Li*, Robert Woodberry, Hexuan Liu, and Guang Guo. 2020. “Why are women more religious than men?: Do Risk Preferences and Genetic Risk Predispositions Explain the Gender Gap?” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 59:2 289-310
(SSCI Q3, 78/148 in Sociology, 5-year IF:2.247)
- Yi Li* and Guang Guo. 2016. “Peer influence on aggressive behavior, smoking and sexual behavior: A Study of randomly-assigned college roommates.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 57:3 297-318
(SSCI Q1, 11/148 in Sociology, 6/46 in Social Sciences, Biomedical, 5-year IF:6.333)
- Guang Guo*, Yi Li, Tianji Cai, Hongyu Wang, and Greg Duncan. 2015. “Peer influence, genetic propensity, and binge drinking: A natural experiment and a replication.” American Journal of Sociology 121:3 914-954
(SSCI Q1, 16/148 in Sociology, 5-year IF:7.124)
- Yi Li*, Hexuan Liu, and Guang Guo. 2015. “Does marriage moderate genetic effects on delinquency and violence?” Journal of Marriage and Family 77:5 1217-1233
(SSCI Q1, 14/148 in Sociology, 3/46 in Family Studies, 5-year IF:4.934)
- Guang Guo*, Yi Li, Craig Owen, Hongyu Wang, and Greg Duncan. 2015. “A natural experiment of peer influences on youth alcohol use.” Social Science Research 52 193-207
(SSCI Q2, 57/148 in Sociology, 5-year IF:3.416)
- Hexuan Liu*, Yi Li, and Guang Guo. 2015. “Gene by social-environment interaction for youth delinquency and violence: Thirty-nine aggression-related genes.” Social Forces 93:3 881-903
(SSCI Q1, 8/148 in Sociology, 5-year IF:5.160)
- Guang Guo*, Yilan Fu, Hedwig Lee, Tianji Cai, Yi Li, and Kathleen M. Harris. 2014. “Reply to Comment: Recognizing a small amount of superficial genetic differences across African, European and Asian Americans helps understand social construction of race.” Demography 51:6 2337-2342
(SSCI Q1, 7/30 in Demography, 5-year IF:5.100)
- Yi Li* and Guang Guo. 2014. “Data quality control in social surveys using genetic information.” Biodemography and Social Biology 60:2 212-228
(SSCI Q3, 111/148 in Sociology, 5-year IF:1.814)
- Guang Guo*, Yilan Fu, Hedwig Lee, Tianji Cai, Kathleen M. Harris, and Yi Li. 2014. “Genetic bio-ancestry and social construction of racial classification in social surveys in the contemporary United States.” Demography 51:1 141-172
(SSCI Q1, 7/30 in Demography, 5-year IF:5.100)
- Yi Li* and Zachary Zimmer. 2013. “Child and adolescent obesity and employment sector in urban China.” Asian Population Studies 9:3 264-279
(SSCI Q3, 21/30 in Demography, 5-year IF:2.077)
- Wen Hu*, Hao Zhang, Yi Li, Shiding Liu, and Guang Guo. 2012. “The influences of genetics on sociology.” Sociological Studies (社会学研究) 5 224-241 (in Chinese)
- Jianxin Li* and Yi Li. 2009. “Health among older Chinese: A gender perspective.” Population Research (人口研究) 33:2 48-57 (in Chinese)