Date: November 29
Time: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Speaker: Ms. Yichen FU
Venue: E21B-G002
Organizer: Department of Sociology
Phone: 8822 4595
This research examines the daily experiences and life stories of working mothers in urban Chinese cities. Working mothers refer to women who are currently employed, have a full-time job, and have at least one child. This research aims to answer the question of how Chinese working mothers navigate between Chinese dominant mothering ideology and their personally held mothering values while juggling work. This research also seeks to explore the gap between mothering ideals and realities, since not all expectations—brought by norms and values—may produce desirable outcomes during daily mothering practices. The mothering ideology circulates throughout society, as well as the mothering values that individuals hold, I argue, not only provide guidance for mothering practices but also influence working mothers’ career trajectories, as such an ideology can prompt and provide guidance for actions. Meanwhile, the experiences acquired at work rejuvenate mothering values and practices.