• Date: March 06
  • Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Speaker: Prof. Niko Besnier
  • Venue: E21B-G002
  • Organizer: Department of Sociology
  • Phone: 8822 4595

Submitting article manuscripts to journals is a process shrouded in mystery, which early-career scholars in particular find daunting. This workshop aims to dispel some of this mystery. It focuses on how to choose an appropriate journal for one’s work, how to develop an abstract, and how to avoid common pitfalls in motivating one’s work and presenting its contribution to broad questions in the social sciences.

Prof. Niko Besnier is Adjunct Professor of Anthropology at La Trobe University in Melbourne (Australia) and in the Spring Semester 2025, he is Visiting Scholar at Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has taught at numerous institutions in Europe, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, and Japan. He is the author of numerous articles and 12 books on globalization, migration, the body, sex and gender, economic relations, and language, and he is currently developing a research programme on the economics and politics of “wellness.” He has conducted ethnographic fieldwork in the Pacific Islands, Japan, and the United States. In 2012–17, he directed a large multi-sited project on the migration of professional athletes. In 2015­2019, he served as Editor-in-Chief of the journal American Ethnologist.

The Mini-Methods Meeting (M3), held right after the luncheon seminar. Hosted by faculty or graduate students, M3 will feature a 20-30 minute focused discussion on methodological techniques or topics in data science, programming, statistics, and more. The milieu of this series is informal and offers hands-on instruction.

  • Date: 06 March 2025 (THU)
  • Time: 14:05 – 15:00
  • Topic: Free and open-source tools for data and statistical science
  • Host: Prof. Jun XU

*This event is open only to Sociology department members and students.